Kesselstatt Josephshofer Riesling Auslese long gold barrel #6

Kesselstatt Josephshofer Riesling Auslese long gold barrel #6

Exquisite nosw with a touch of honey, Pure and racy with stlyle and charm, could benefit from a few years of aging.

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Country: Germany
Region: Mosel
Sub-Region: Josephshof

Winery/Brewery Info

In 1978, Günther Reh, Annegret’s father, acquired Weingut Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt in Trier. It was at that time that Annegret Reh-Gartner discovered her love for wine and decided to pursue a career in viticulture, a profession still dominated by men in those days. Since 1983, she has directed the more than 600-year-old estate with commitment and competence. Her pleasure in the product and deep devotion to her native region as well as her quality consciousness and years of contact with customers at home and abroad all helped the wine estate achieve international renown. In addition to the many awards that the estate and its wines earned throughout the years, she personally was recognized with an award: in 1989, she was named “vintner of the year” and was nominated for this “wine industry Oscar” again in 2001 and 2005.

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