Amizetta Cabernet Sauvignon Estate

Amizetta Cabernet Sauvignon Estate

It is wonderfully deep in vigorous young fruit and is decked out with a full measure of sweet oak. It never once loses its very firm grasp on black currants, nor does it let up in richness at any point on its way

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Country: United States
State: California
Region: Napa Valley
Sub-Region: Howell Mountain

Winery/Brewery Info

Amizetta and Spencer Clark moved to the Napa Valley with one dream, to grow and make world class wines. They knew that many of the world’s top wines were produced from hillside vineyards in Europe. With this in mind, they scoured the Napa Valley for vineyard property and after intensive searching in 1979, Amizetta and Spencer found their perfect vineyard site. The property is a steep and rocky 40 acre parcel with southern facing slopes at the tail end of Howell Mountain in the Conn Valley region of Napa Valley. With an elevation reaching over 1,000 feet, its beauty is matched only by its views of Lake Hennessey and the Napa Valley. The soil consists of red and grey rock strata called “sobrante loam.” Amizetta and Spencer knew right away, this was the ideal location for growing world class Cabernets and Bordeaux varietals from traditional hillside terraces.

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